Sunday, 28 February 2010

Back up my new pic before formating~

Shall we meet someday Babyana, ImissYou ! :D

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Sorry my dear, i have to tell you this..tomolo no onlain okaie..what have you done to me last night ? 
i have to send my note book to concept ada ckit kn d repair..and 26th feb i cant'n message you till newmoon..thats all~ 

Should I? Could I?
Have said the wrong things right a thousand times
If I could just rewind, I see it in my mind
If I could turn back time, you'd still be mine~

You cried, I died
I should have shut my mouth, things headed south
As the words slipped off my tongue, they sounded dumb
If this old heart could talk, it'd say you're the one.

I'm wasting time when I think about it~

I should have drove all night, I would have run all the lights
I was misunderstood
I stumbled like my words, Did the best I could
Damn, misunderstood~


Monday, 22 February 2010

Yeahh..KK uhuu KK~

Pada 2 minggu lepas, aku balik KK for 3 days, and and and ani ada sdikit gmbar2 nya..ehee..nda bnyak gmbar cuz nda masa bnyak luang kn masa with cuzn dsana..uhh..and msa kn jln2 pn terhad..hmm..and myb bulan 7 ni i nak balik KK lagieee!! insyAllah ;-) ahh..expired dh, heh heh heh~ :-P

otw to KK~
nahh, ini dia adek ku~

d 1 Borneo ni~

Valentine Sales~

Lion dance Show on centre of 1 Borneo~
Back to valentine sales~
Nahh, this is my father cuzn family yg paling ia rapat and and and family ni la yg paling ku rapat d antara yg lain cpun batah2 nda jumpa tetap friendly xD

My cuzn Richel Naijim~


Thats it..So longg and goodnight~ xD

Saturday, 20 February 2010


Aii..mngapa ya ku nda dpt view blog darling ku sndri atu ? Tiada ku mngerti ehh~

Friday, 12 February 2010

One Last Minute~ im off to KK ( Kota Kinabalu ) back to my home town for 3 days myb..hehehe :D ..Once again, Happy Chinese New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai !!
To my babyana, plz plz plz..kamu jgn nakal, toink~ hehehe :P..
sementara i takda kat brunei ni, jaga diri baik2 ya darling..jgn gauk2 tau..jgn lupa blajar, revision apa yg cigu ajar tu okioki..cpun exam lama lge, then revise saja la..bak pepatah kata sediakan payung sebelum hujan, chehh~
owez remember that..I Owez Love You~ i wish that i can meet u before i go..then now i felt I Miss You~
and after this i am gonna Really2 Miss You~ and when i am alone, i owez Thinking about you~ when i am dreaming about you i felt I Really2 Need You to be by my side.
You are the One LADYANA RAUDE xD


Iam Sayang Yana !!


Baie ni urg cemani ani, bnr tah.. baru jua kn ciuk2 wa..pndai tia ngambil kesempatan bah anak pelacur ni,SIAL BANAR!!
nah ni nah barang mu ahh..nnti ku balik chinese new year ambil tah ko..makan tah ulih mu baie..
buat belacan ka, buat jamur ikan masin ka apaka atu nada ku pduli..atu kau punya pasal tu..nada ku sangka kwn ku buat sial cemani arh apa..this is ur day..sampai masanya nnti aku balas balik..mun ku nada t balas, biar tuhan ja balas kan jasa sial mu ni arh ku..

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Yeah Babyy!!

Yahuuu!!! xD.. I'm vak for blogging xD.. do u still remember me ? xP... I'm Morohoshi Takegami,esehmen..Miss me darling ? heh heh heh aku baru bayar broadband ku sebanyak $196, wow!..bcoz aku lama sudah inda bayar then aku kana charge lebih..aduy~..msa lunch tym tdi i go to DST   counter at gadong properties bersebelahan dngan my office..

Darling, iMissYou bah! dimana dikau berada? everytime i read ur blog, it make me very very Happy liahh xP..
cpun th baru kmarin berjumpa, it was fun xD..hehehe..

okioki..buat msani aku nda idea apa yg kn d share for u guys..

 xD.. I really really wanna see Lion Dance bah xD.